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Netherthong Pre-School Garden

Communication & Language

Netherthong Pre-School Communication

What We Do

The Communication and Language Development area provides children with chances to experience a robust language environment. This area helps to develop their self-esteem and skills in self expression, as well as speak and listen.

Providing young children with an atmosphere to be expressive in various situations enables them to extend their language and communication skills.

In small and large groups children can listen attentively and talk about their experiences. They use a growing vocabulary with increasing fluency around their interests and seasonal themes in the classroom. They enjoy daily stories, songs, nursery rhymes and poems, with lots of opportunities to share ideas.

Children enjoy books form our well stocked book corner and handle them carefully and enjoy interacting with props or story sacks to recreation of our favourite stories.

Some ideas of activities you can do at home to support your child' development in this area include:

  • Sing preschool action songs and rhymes, such as Simon Says
  • Make saucepans and pots your musical instruments
  • Play guessing games. Such as thinking of an object or animal and giving clues by modelling them to help your child guess the thing
  • Play language board or memory games

The curriculum is ambitious and challenging for children. Staff know the children well and have a good grasp of how best to support them and build on their knowledge and skills.

Ofsted Good Award Logo
October 2022
Outdoor Craft Image

Get in touch

We'd love to hear from you! If you have any questions, queries or would like to arrange a visit then visit the contact page for more details